Wednesday, April 9, 2014

latest beauty tips

There is no doubt about the fact you need to pamper and protect your skin a bit more during summer to maintain the flawless look. Pollution can take a huge toll on your skin and it is absolutely necessary to protect your skin from summer factors like dust, heat, grime, sweat and pollution. Here are a few tips to protect your skin during summer. latest beauty tips: Unhealthy complexion is usually an aftereffect of dust, grime and sweat that build up in your skin throughout the day. Your facial pores get clogged and your skin stops to breathe freely. It is necessary to follow a healthy skin cleansing regimen to prevent this. Use a Pore unclogging face wash to tackle accumulated impurities and to stop outdoor pollution from affecting your skin too much. Face washes with salicylic acid have very good exfoliation properties. Use sun screen: Exposure to too much sunlight causes skin to tan, age faster as well as lead to skin burns. Elasticity of the skin reduces and the process of appearance of wrinkles speeds up. Protect your skin from sunlight by using a good sunscreen or a shawl at least to cover your face and neck when you step out in the sun. Reapply sunscreen every three to four hours. Watch what you eat: Keep oily and junk foods at bay, if you don't want to wake up in the morning and find a pimple on your face. Acne can lead to extensive skin damage and cause marks, spots and other imperfections on your skin. Eat a healthy diet and reduce oily food if you care for your skin. Hydrating your skin by drinking lots of water and indulging in the goodness of fruits are a great choice.So environment proof your skin and enjoy the summer. Your skin deserves the extra care this season. Follow the above tips and watch your skin glow like never before.